Who is Darcy Adanna Esemonu? Trevor Bauer’s Accuser Charged with Fraud for Fake Pregnancy and Abortion

Darcy Adanna Esemonu
Darcy Adanna EsemonuDetails
Professtion Model.
Birth DateDecember 1989.
Birth PlaceTexas.
Lives inArizona.
Arrested forFalse accusation against Trevor Bauer.


Trevor Bauer Accuser Darcy Adanna Esemonu

Darcy Adanna Esemonu ( age 34, born in December 1989 ) is a multifaceted individual hailing from Arizona. She’s known for her roles as a humanitarian, entrepreneur, spokesmodel, and actress. In 2016, she achieved recognition by winning the Miss Black Arizona USA title.

However, Esemonu’s recent media spotlight isn’t due to her professional achievements. She faced legal troubles, having been charged with two counts of felony fraud and theft by extortion, specifically involving former Cy Young winner Trevor Bauer and Marco Bresciani. These charges were brought forth by a grand jury in Maricopa County.

The indictment, dated March 19, outlines that Darcy allegedly obtained benefits from Trevor Anthony Bauer through fraudulent means. Additionally, she’s accused of attempting to obtain property or services from Bresciani through threats of exposing secrets or facts in social media or other communication channels.

As of now, Esemonu has not commented on the charges, and the prosecutor listed on the indictment has not provided any public statements. An arraignment hearing for this case is set for April 26 in Maricopa County.



Darcy Adanna Esemonu is a model

Esemonu filed a civil lawsuit against Bauer in 2023

Darcy Adanna Esemonu has been accused of fraudulent activities involving Marco Bresciant and Trevor Anthony Bauer. She’s facing charges related to schemes to defraud, claiming she obtained benefits through deceptive means.

In 2023, Esemonu sued Trevor Bauer, claiming he sexually assaulted her in 2020, resulting in an “unplanned pregnancy.” Bauer’s side maintains the encounter was consensual and countersued Esemonu for fraud, alleging she was trying to extort money amid similar accusations from other women.

Bauer stated Esemonu demanded $3.6 million and fabricated a sexual assault claim when he refused to pay. Esemonu’s lawyers didn’t respond to inquiries about her civil suit.

Darcy reported the incident to police after filing her lawsuit. During interviews, she mentioned both a miscarriage and an abortion but provided inconclusive medical evidence.

In January 2023, one of Bauer’s attorneys accused Darcy Esemonu of theft by extortion, claiming she falsely demanded money for pregnancy and abortion. This legal clash led to Bauer’s suspension and severance from the Los Angeles Dodgers.

In another incident, Esemonu is accused of threatening Marco Bresciani for property or services using future social media exposure or other means to tarnish Bresciani’s reputation or business.



Accuser Darcy Adanna Esemonu

Darcy Esemonu is facing 16 years in prison

Darcy Adanna Esemonu is facing significant legal challenges, including two counts of felony fraud, which could lead to up to 16 years in prison. The charges stem from actions taken against Trevor Bauer and another individual in Maricopa County.

The first charge, Fraudulent Schemes, and Artifices, is a Class 2 felony in Arizona, potentially resulting in a 3 to 12.5-year sentence. This charge alleges that Esemonu used deceitful tactics to gain benefits from Bauer and the other person.

The second charge, Theft by Extortion, is a Class 4 felony, carrying a sentence of 1 to 3.75 years. It is based on accusations that Esemonu tried to obtain property or services from the other individual through threats of future harm or exposure.

These legal proceedings highlight the gravity of the accusations against Esemonu and the potential consequences she may face if found guilty.



Darcy Adanna Esemonu Arrested

What did we know about Darcy Edanna Acemonu?

Darcy Adanna Esemonu was born in December 1989 in Texas and moved to Arizona with her parents during her childhood. She embraces her Texan roots, particularly enjoying country swing.

Growing up in Arizona, She found a sense of belonging and freedom to express her creativity, passion, and impact. Her genuine personality has attracted people to her, leading to diverse career opportunities and life experiences.

When asked about her participation in Arizona Foothills Magazine’s Most Eligible Phoenicians 2021, Darcy Esemonu highlighted its unique platform to showcase her intentional approach to dating.

She values the opportunity to connect with potential partners who share her desire for a playful yet meaningful relationship, focused on building a strong bond and merging families.



Darcy Adanna Esemonu FAQs

Ques: What is Darcy Adanna Esemonu’s age?

Ans: Adanna is 34 years old.

Ques: Who is Darcy Adanna Esemonu’s Boyfriend?

Ans: She has not disclosed.

Ques: What is Darcy Adanna Esemonu’s social media?

Ans: @hey_darbie